Thursday, September 30, 2010

Assignment 3


  1. I see we are in a car and someone is giving the middle finger to an image of Jesus. I can only assume they are saying f*uck you to religion or to an idea surrounding religion. However I am not sure why we are in a car- maybe to say that religion is moving, or vulnerable? Or perhaps whats important is the object- in that it is some sort of cheap throwaway item- not special like something found on a self or in a shrine.

  2. I also get the message that someone is saying f you to religion (I assume it's the photographer because it looks like the hand is holding a lens cap...). That message seems pretty straight forward. I think this image confuses me a bit because the assignment was to follow someone and take a photo from the front of them, something that tells a story, not sure if this does that. (?)I do like the contrastiness (I may have just made up a word), I'm partial to that.

  3. At first it look to me as this picture captured a coincidence of the driver being in mid turn and happens to look like he's sticking his middle finger up in front of the Jesus picture. Looking closer it looks like the photographer is sticking out his finger with lens cap in hand. Because of which, it makes me feel like he was the passenger in a car, and in a random and literal act flipped off Jesus as a fuck you to Him and religion.

  4. It makes me wonder why the lens cap is visible in the image. It's interesting the combination of driving with the commentary on religion/jesus. Leaves an almost upset, "road rage" feel to an aesthetically pleasing image. Interesting combination.

  5. This seems like it could have been about road rage and that the photo of jesus in the background may have just added a sense of unfortunate coincidence. But it also could be read as someone flipping off religion. The lens cap in the hand is definitely distracting and leads me to believe that the hand belongs to the photographer, esp since it is the left hand.

  6. I agree with everyone that the lens cap is distracting and makes me wonder if it was an accident. If it wasn't an accident what is its role in the image. Other than that this image is very strongly stating that the person this hand belongs to is saying f you to religion.

  7. I get the feeling of perhaps a sneaky, and trying to be sly attempt at flipping off jesus. It almost seems a childish act, as though perhaps that is their only chance to express their true feelings about jesus/religion while the driver is not looking/focused. Kinda like a child sneaking "the bird" while the parent is not looking. What i'm assuming to be a lens cap in the flipping off had makes me assume that the photographer is the one flipping off christ jesus. Overall, i wish the image was a little more zoomed out, the cramped cropping makes it feel a little too stiffled and i would like to see more of both people's forms and more of the car in the image. Great tonality and depth of field though!

  8. This photograph is very difficult for me to read. The scene is set up perfectly, as we see somebody in what should be their own vehicle, with a shallow depth of field and an obscene finger gesture. The part that confuses me is the picture of jesus. Why would they hang him from the rearview if further salutation is given by middle finger? So, maybe it isn't his own car and there happens to be this jesus necklace hanging around the rearview which he disagrees with. But to so blatantly reject this religious iconography just really confuses me, especially in this setting as he chose to sit himself in that driver's seat.

  9. I find this kind of confusing. I'm not sure who this is a portrait of. Also it seems like the image could have been much stronger were it taken in front of a life-size Jesus-laden crucifix. But at the same time, the fact that Jesus is on an air freshener is kind of humorous, and makes him seem inconsequential next to the stout middle finger. Definitely fits with the assignment. Nice job with the exposure.
